Snowglobe 2019
Social posts, merch, and event materials designed for MTV’s 3-day EDM music festival/New Year’s celebration, Snowglobe.

#SG19 * 12/30 🔮 FEAT. @louisthechild, @followthefishtv, @superduperkyle, @atrak, @dombresky, @snbrn, @dojacat + MANY MORE 📈 Advanced Single Day GA + VIP Tickets On Sale Now Vía Link In Bio

JUST ANNOUNCED: Right on the heels of the release of his new single "Came For The Low" we are V. EXCITED to announce that @zhu has been added to the #SG19 Lineup

#SG19 * 12/31 ❄️ FEAT. @skrillex, @vincestaples, @spencerbrownofficial, @twofeetmusic, @sglewis_, @channeltres, @dominicfike + MANY MORE 📈 Advanced Single Day GA + VIP Tickets On Sale Vía Link In Bio

#SG19 Advanced Single Day GA + VIP Tickets On Sale Now Vía Link In Bio 👆🏼 Cop Yours ASAP While They're Still Avail / Before The Price Jumps 🍃

THIS IS NOT A DRILL 🗣 Current Ticket Tier is Dangerously Close to Selling Out ❌ Cop Yours ASAP Before The Price Jumps (Link In Bio) 👆🏼 Tag / Shame The Laggiest Member Of The Squad